Terms And Condition

Welcome to Xenpills. When you use and access our services you agree to abide with the following conditions and terms. Be sure to read them thoroughly.

Purchase Guidelines

  • If you make a purchase through XenPills pharmacy you must provide complete and accurate information. It is required to be at least 18 years old to place an order. 
  • XenPills exclusively sells medicines to be used for personal consumption. It does not endorse commercial resale or distribution of any item that is listed on this site.
  • The medications available for purchase on our site are mostly obtained from Indian pharmacies, but some come from various nations.The location of manufacturing is stated clearly on the label of every medicine.
  • We make every effort to provide exact pricing information, however errors could occur. If we find any errors with pricing, we are entitled to reject or cancel orders for products that are not priced correctly.

Order Processing

To place an order, visit XenPills, select the items you want to purchase and then include them into your shopping cart. Once you've completed your shopping, proceed through the payment process. Once you're ready to pay you'll be asked to input the information required including shipping information as well as payment details. Once you've made an order, you will receive an email to confirm your order. If you experience issues during the order procedure, contact our customer service to get assistance.

Order And Billing Updates

We will notify you of any changes to the status of your order via an email. If there are any contradictions regarding your billing information or If the payment method that you chose to use is not accepted, we will inform you of the issue. The customer is accountable for any costs incurred by accounts.

User Agreement

  • When using our services, customers acknowledge that the medications purchased are only for personal use only and not to be sold for resale.
  • You accept responsibility for any actions that take from your personal account. When you are concerned about an unauthorized use of your account, you must notify us immediately.
  • The user acknowledges and accepts that the medications are made and packaged in different countries. The country of origin is clearly listed on the label.
  • Patients should consult with a medical specialist prior to taking any medication.

XenPills Respect Your Privacy

  • Protecting your privacy and ensuring your data's security is our top priority. 
  • Unless required by law, we will not disclose any personal identifiable information to third parties.


XenPills utilizes standard security measures to guarantee the protection of your personal information both in transmission and storage. We utilize Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to secure sensitive data such as your credit card details. Although we strive to safeguard your personal data however, any method of transmitting data through the internet or electronic storage can be said to be 100% secure.

Feedback And Comments

We appreciate your feedback and comments on the services or products we provide. In submitting feedback, you grant us the right to use the information, alter, and publish your feedback with no limitations. Your feedback helps us enhance our offerings and helps us serve our customers better. We are free to take down any comments we believe to be offensive or inappropriate.

Contact Us

If you have any concerns or queries concerning these Terms and Conditions you may contact us by email at [tmedicinecare@gmail.com] or our customer support at [contact number]. Thank you for choosing Xenpills.com